Ernström Foundation
We have two foundations that we are proud of within Ernströmgruppen. Through these two foundations, Ernströmgruppen supports both higher education studies and research in the industries in which we operate, as well as providing financial support to charities that work to improve society and help in various ways.
Ulla and Gerhard Hobohms Stiftelse
Ulla and Gerhard Hobohms Stiftelse aims to promote scientific research and provide financial support to aid agencies. The aid agencies must be either involved in the care and upbringing of children, teaching and education, or helping the needy. In recent years, grants have been awarded for day activities and summer camps for children and adults with functional disabilities.
Gerhard Hobohms Memorial Fund
Our memorial fund, the Gerhard Hobohms Memorial Fund, aims to provide scholarships to students at Chalmers University of Technology to support study projects relevant to Ernströmgruppen’s areas of operation. Through the endowment, Ernströmgruppen offers students the opportunity to write their thesis in close collaboration with the business community.